Joining Benefits

Joining Benefits

Reliable, Safe, Affordable and Accessible Transport

If you require community transport in Lisburn then make sure you get in touch with us. We are funded by the Rural Transport Fund for Northern Ireland and we ensure that the highest quality of service is provided to all of our customers by only employing MiDAS (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme) trained drivers.

We are committed to providing reliable, safe, affordable and accessible transport for the people of rural Lisburn to improve quality and reduce social isolation. Our services are available to those who have difficulty in accessing the public or private transport provision in the area.

Groups eligible for membership include:

  • Senior Citizens Clubs
  • Disability Organisations
  • Youth Groups and Clubs
  • Community Groups and Associations
  • After Schools Clubs

How much does it cost to join?

In order to use LVRT you will need to register as a member. Joining LVRT is easy – just contact the office and our staff will be happy to talk you through the registration process. Membership to LVRT is £10 per annum for individuals and £25 per annum for groups.

Once you have signed up as a member, simply contact the office to book your transport giving as much notice as possible. We will do our very best to have a vehicle available for you.

Next Steps?

If you are interested in joining Lagan Valley Rural Transport please contact us during normal office hours.